
The absence of a name or logo in this list does not constitute a waiver of any and all intellectual property rights that TEKEASE® Franchise Systems has established in any of its product, feature, or service names or logos. The status column refers to the status of the trademark in the United States and/or other countries.




TEKEASE Primary Care Character Mark. Installation, repair and maintenance of computers and computer peripherals. Back-up services for computer hard drive data; Computer monitoring service which tracks application software performance, performs periodic maintenance and provides reports and alerts concerning such performance; Computer monitoring service which tracks hardware performance and processes and sends out historical reports and alerts; Computer services in the nature of customized web pages featuring user-defined information, personal profiles and information; Computer technology support services, namely, help desk services.
We Make Technology Easy Character Mark. Installation, repair and maintenance of computers and computer peripherals.
Life-Support for Your TechnologyCharacter Mark. Installation, repair and maintenance of computers and computer peripherals.
TEKEASE PC Check-Up Character Mark. Installation, repair and maintenance of computers and computer peripherals.
Computer Trauma UnitCharacter Mark. Installation, repair and maintenance of computers and computer peripherals.
Domains Done Easy Character Mark. Electronic storage of files and documents; storage of electronic media, namely, images, text, audio, financial and contact data; storage services for archiving databases, images and other electronic data; Parking domain names for others, namely, providing computer servers for facilitation of the storage of domain name addresses
domainsdoneeasy.comCharacter Mark. Electronic storage of files and documents; storage of electronic media, namely, images, text, audio, financial and contact data; storage services for archiving databases, images and other electronic data; Parking domain names for others, namely, providing computer servers for facilitation of the storage of domain name addresses
TEKEASE ON-SITE® Logo ®Logo and Design. Installation, repair and maintenance of computers and computer peripherals. Franchise services.
TEKEASE®®Character Mark. Installation, repair and maintenance of computers and computer peripherals. Franchise services.